Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So my Godson had an unexpected appendectomy last Thursday. (Is an appendectomy EVER expected?) Anyway, Keeper Boy returned from Camp Grandma late Saturday night, and gave the Godson a call on Sunday to see how he was doing since he was released from the hospital on Saturday. I only heard the first part of the conversation, and only on Keeper's Boy's side, but it went something like this...

"Hey [Godson]... How ya doin'?... I heard you had surgery... So what's that all about?..."

Yeah. I had to walk away then because I was laughing too hard.


I am really sucking at this whole Weight Watchers thing as of late. I haven't tracked in I don't know how long, I haven't been exercising regularly, and I'm just not feeling good about myself in general, which makes me feel blah about the whole thing. BUT, I hope to get back on track.... School starts in a few weeks. Hockey is ramping back up. More of a regular schedule in the house again... hopefully that will help me.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Hubby reached lifetime two weeks ago!!

Change from last time: +2.6
Change since starting WW: -26.4
Pounds to goal: 15.6