Wednesday, November 30, 2011


That which does not make us stronger might just kill us. I speak of Algebra.


Day 30
That it's the last day of the month and I don't have to think of something somewhat-profound to be thankful for every day. I am thankful EVERY day of the year for my family, my health, my family's health, and my life in general.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Day 29
For people who know how to heal my laptop when I make it sick by clicking something and accidentally downloading some virus that tries to take over my entire computer. Oy!

Monday, November 28, 2011


Day 28
To get back into a normal routine.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Day 27
That we are at a place financially where we can somewhat spontaneously decide to stay in a hotel for the night instead of driving home and getting up early to be be back up here at 6:30am the next morning.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Day 26
That our sports commitments this weekend are "local."

Friday, November 25, 2011


Day 25
For Black Friday bargains!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Day 24
That Wal-Mart is open all day on Thanksgiving so that when I go to put my outside lights up and half of very string doesn't work, I can just throw them in the trash and go buy new ones.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Day 23
For awesome experiences that my kids get to have.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Day 22
For three-day work weeks.


Day 22
For three-day work weeks.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Got this email from my sister-in-law on Sunday after the Ohio State/Penn State football game... regarding my nephew (Spidey). BTW, my sister-in-law is an OSU alum, and my brother-in-law is a big OSU fan, too.


After watching the OSU/Penn State game with Penn State friends, [Spidey] insisted he was a Penn State fan. [Spidey's dad] told him he had to go live with them if he was going to be a Penn State fan. He disappeared for awhile and I found him at their house (just down the street). He had packed a bag, complete with a couple school shirts, underwear, pull ups, pajamas, his Cowboys jersey [a hand me down from his cousin, J-Mav], his fishing vest, and some pop tarts!! He also had his robe and his sleeping bag. He is too funny!!!!


Day 21
For my family.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Day 20
For lazy Sunday mornings when I can sleep in a little.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


On a Christmas ornament while poking around online...

"Hockey is where we live. Life is just a place where we spend time between games."

Sounds about right...

Hockey Life

Today's travels...

Point A (home... labeled as Point E, but the same as Points A and C) to Point B for J-Mav's house game, and then back home (Point C).

Point C to Point D for J-Mav's travel game, and then back home (Point E).

Point E to Point F for Keeper Boy's game, and then back home.



Another one of keeper boy's journal entries. He'd not be pleased if he knew I even read this one, let alone that I posted it on my blog. So... ssshhhhh!! ;-P

Prompt: What are some things you are thankful for? It can be people, things, places, events, anything.

I am very, extremely thankful for hockey. I went to my first game when I was two weeks old. My life revolves around hockey. I am actually wearing my hockey pajamas while I am writing this. I am thankful for my family. They are so very kind to me. They have had many times where they were ready to beat me, but they haven't. I am thankful for my teachers who have been patient and have put up with me as I have struggled to learn. I am thankful for drums for at the end of a frustrating school day, my drum pad and sticks are there, waiting for me to unleash my fury from its cage. I am thankful for music that pumps me up or soothes my senses. I am thankful for my coaches for supporting every step of my life. But most of all, I am thankful for freindship [sic] for guiding me to freinds [sic] that I can laugh, play, work, and learn with. They are the best friends anyone could have. I am thankful for life...


Day 19
For cold medication that actually helps alleviate some of the symptoms.


I've been meaning to post this... it's one of Keeper Boy's journal assignments from earlier in the year. They had to read The Telltale Heart in English class. Then for this particular journal assignment, the prompt was to "rewrite a section of The Telltale Heart in a different tone. You may change the point of view." They each had to pick a word from a basket that told them to tone to write from. Keeper Boy got "annoyed."


(Told from point of view of madman)

True! - nervous - very, very dreadfully nervous. I had been and am; but, seriously, will you STOP saying that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses - not destroyed - not dulled them. I heard all things in the heaven and earth. And many things in Hell. So why is the question of whether I'm mad constantly rained down upon my head? Hearken and observe, just don't bug me as I healthily and calmly tell you the whole story.

Before I have to drone on with my story, I must ask, why must I tell this tale if I have told it about one thousand freaking times? Every time I recite the story, it pushes another one of my buttons. I am perturbed so much right now, that if I have to utter the words of the events that happened that night, I will erupt because of the agitation. So take your pick... I can either stop here, or push on with the story.

You pester me... but I guess I shall continue my story. The old man, he was kind and all. But his eye! It disturbed me so much. I was jarred every time it looked at me. Rage built within me. So I hatched a plan. I would finally free myself from the badgering of the eye!

I was never so nice to the old man than before I killed him. Seven days I cared for him. Seven nights I spyed on him. I had to be slow when opening the door of his room. That bugged me so much. I shined a beam of light from a lantern I was holding directly on the eye, but it was always closed. The eighth night, the eye was open. It irked me so much I let out an agitated cry and hurtled into the room.

That is all I will say. Don't ask questions, I am extremely ticked off. I am leaving.


Teacher's note in journal: Excellent tone in this journal! It was perfect!

Friday, November 18, 2011


We saw this vehicle in the parking lot at the rink last night. J-Mav read it and said something like, "SHOOTING people since 2002?!? That would be a lot of people You can't DO that!!"

(I explained that in photography, "shooting" someone means taking his or her picture. He was very relieved.)


Day 18
For Giant Gas Rewards... filled my truck at $3.04/gallon this morning! Yes, it's sad that that is "cheap" at this point, but I'll take it.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Day 17
For doctors that actually care. We ran into Hubby's surgeon at the rink tonight and he actually stood there and talked to us for quite awhile about how he's doing and how his physical therapy is going. I think he would've talked longer but we had to go into the pro shop to check out some equipment for J-Mav.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Day 16
Today I am thankful for my niece and the fact that I've been able to watch her grow, over the past 20 years, into a beautiful, amazing, independent woman. Happy birthday!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Day 15
That this year, various circumstances allow that the boys will be able to spend Christmas with ALL of their grandparents! (Usually we alternate years.)

Monday, November 14, 2011


Day 14
For heated seats on cool fall mornings. Did I already use that one?... I did... I just checked.

OK. I'm thankful for good morning hugs from a sleepy little 8-year-old before I leave for work. :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Day 13
For the opportunity to see family we haven't seen in awhile.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Friday, November 11, 2011

I have questions...

From what I've read thus far, and one of the very first things I read was the full Grand Jury indictment, I absolutely agree that Joe Paterno needed to step down. It sucks that his long and storied career, his extremely successful career, will be remembered for this. But the fact remains that he knew. And he didn't do anything.

I think maybe the university should've let him retire instead of firing him though. He is clearly not the only one at fault in this debacle and by firing him in the dead of night, over the phone... well, that doesn't seem right.

What I don't get is why the current assistant coach who actually witnessed the act in the shower (McCreary, I think his name is) and reported it to Paterno is still on the coaching staff. How is what he did (or didn't do as the case may be) any different? He reported through his chain of command, but did nothing further.

Or anyone else who had knowledge of any of the reports (I believe there were multiple reports of incidents.) Why are any of those people still in their positions? Any one of them could have and should have contacted the police.

Why has Sandusky been allowed to be around kids for all of these years that the grand jury investigation has been going on?

Why is one of the victim's mothers doing all of this media now? Why didn't she say something back when this was happening. It's clear from her statements that she knew something was going on. My pessimistic side is disgusted at the possibility of the victims' families cashing in on this now. Not that they shouldn't be compensated in some way, but don't sell out like that.

Why are we not hearing anything about Sandusky -- the actual sicko -- who should be at the center of this story? Everything is about Joe Paterno. I think in the past two days, I've read two things about Sandusky... that he was spotted working out in a gym with his wife and that he is devastated about Paterno being fired.

It appears the university has botched this from the get-go. It seems that there were cover-ups on multiple levels... or maybe not outright cover-ups, but convenient omissions of information. Now the university appears to be in CYA (cover your ass) mode and is being very reactionary, but at an extremely slow pace. There's no way Penn State comes out of this looking good.

The football game tomorrow is going to be chaos. The team has done nothing wrong and deserves to be supported. Unfortunately, the entire program is now tainted. Bad draw for Nebraska to be the team that has to play THIS game.

As I've said before, I have no allegiance to Penn State. But I grew up in PA, so it's always been on the periphery of my life I guess. So I follow this with interest. And horror. And disbelief. As a mother of two young boys I can sit on my high horse and say that I can't believe someone could witness something of that nature and not go to the police. But there's an ever so small piece of me that gets the thinking that you don't want to get involved. Or you don't want to make a mistake and wrongly accuse someone of something so horrible that it will ruin lives. But then again, when you walk in on a man raping a 10-year-old boy in a shower in an empty athletic facility, there's not much room for mistaking the situation.

I guess if Joe Paterno was an asshole or a horrible, mean person his firing would be a lot easier to digest. But he's not. He's adored. He's like everyone's grandpa. And I guess THAT'S why the story is about him, even though it's really not. He's the most recognizable player in this story, so he's getting the most press. And that sucks. Because, as I said... he needed to go. But there's so many more heads that need to roll. And JoePa doesn't need to be the scapegoat.


Day 11
For all of those who have served, are serving, or will serve our country so that we may enjoy American freedom.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Day 10
For a job I really enjoy, working with people I genuinely like (for the most part).

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Day 9
Today I'm thankful for all of the wonderful friends, experiences, and opportunities my love of hockey has brought into my life.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Day 8
For 70 degree days in November...even if I am unable to leave work until 9pm and enjoy them. :-(


I am not a PSU grad; unlike many of my friends, I never had any desire to go to school there. But since I grew up in PA and my dad went to Penn State, as did many friends, I have always had a passing interest, especially when it comes to the football and hockey teams. And I've always liked Joe Paterno. That said, I just can't find a way that he comes out of this favorably. The fact is, he should've gone to the authorities instead of just to the AD. It's a shame that instead of being remembered for all he's done for PSU and college football, he's going to be remembered his affiliation with a sexual predator, and the fact that he may ave prevented years of abuse had he reported Sandusky to a higher authority.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Day 7
That we kept the "hoopty" minivan as an extra vehicle when we got the truck. While Hubby mostly uses it to transfer the boys back and forth to the rink for practices, it is coming in handy for him to drive until he has enough range of motion in his shoulder to make driving his car more comfortable.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Day 6
For my mom, whose birthday is today. Happy birthday, Mom!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


It seems that we are accumulating an entire Franken-body here in our household... slowly but surely. Our latest edition comes courtesy of Hubby. Behold... Frankenshoulder!
Hubby had shoulder surgery on Thursday morning. This picture was taken Friday morning when we went back to the doctor for his first follow-up appointment. The surgery went fine. The doctor found nothing in there that he wasn't expecting to find, so that was a good thing. He was in and out in less than 90 minutes. I think Hubby spent more time in recovery than he did on the operating table.

He had a nerve block before surgery, so his entire arm (save his pinky and ring fingers) was completely numb until about 9pm Thursday night. This actually turned out to be an excellent thing as I had to take K-dog to the vet unexpectedly and ended up being gone for two hours over dinner time. Hubby was able to help the boys make dinner and do their homework without pain.

After the kids were in bed, the nerve block started wearing off. Before it wore completely off, he took a pain pill (Percocet) and the accompanying anti-nausea pill. And then I got him set up in the spare bedroom (propped up with many pillows), and he went to sleep.

I decided that I should sleep downstairs in case he needed anything. I would never hear him if I was upstairs in our room. So I made a bed up for myself on the sofa downstairs. Thank. God.

I had JUST fallen asleep (around 11:30) when I heard a loud crash. I jumped out of bed and found John lying awkwardly on the bathroom floor. The shower doors (which I assume he fell back against) were broken off their tracks and he was lying weirdly against them with his legs splayed out in front of him on either side of the toilet bowl. I said, "Oh my God. Are you okay?" He looked at me and asked me why he was on the floor in the bathroom and how he had gotten there.

I was worried that he might've hurt himself somewhere else falling, but he seemed to be okay. I think the Percocet was probably a blessing in disguise in that way. He was so out of it that he didn't know to tense up as he fell, which I think is how people hurt themselves in falls like that.

I managed to get him up, but then he promptly crumpled to the ground again. I had no idea how I was going to get him out of the bathroom without hurting him further if he couldn't stand on his own. After a minute, I got him to stand up long enough so that he could sit on the toilet seat. He was talking to me and telling me that he couldn't focus. He was there in the present, but he knew he was fuzzy and he just didn't know how he'd gotten there. He was a mess. We sat there for a good 20 minutes until he felt good enough to make it back to bed. In that time he decided wasn't taking anymore Percoset. Ever. Add that to the list of drugs he refuses to take: Vicodin, Tylenol 3, and now Persoset.

I got him back to bed, and he told me that when I came in at 1, which is when I was going to go in and give him his next pill, that he only wanted Tylenol. So that's what I did. I dozed in and out until 1, not really sleeping because I was worried that he would forget that he promised he would yell if he needed to get up, and then I took him some Tylenol. I did the same at 5:30. He was much better at 1, and pretty much fine by 5:30 as far as mental focus and stability on his feet. He said the Tylenol took away the throbbing and that he could deal with the achey feeling.

So, that was our experience with Percocet. He's taken nothing but Tylenol since that first pill. We went out to dinner last night, and he coached Jack's hockey game this morning. He's achey, but it's nothing unbearable. He slept in two long chunks last night, waking only because I went to ask him if he needed anything at 3:30 when I got up to use the bathroom.

At this point, the sling is optional... he will likely wear it only when we are out and about, more so people don't jostle him or slap him on the shoulder or try to shake his hand than because he needs it medically. His biggest issue last night and today has been muscle twitches in his bicep, which are extremely uncomfortable. He starts PT sometime this week. And he completed dressed himself this morning. I'd say he's further along and doing better than I expected at two days post-surgery.

As for the Percocet... well, it has been relegated to the back of the linen closet with the other drugs that Hubby can't tolerate. :-)


Day 5
Our "hockey family," members of whom are always ready and willing to help out when necessary.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Day 4
Trite, yes, but today I'm thankful for the heated seats in my truck. Baby, it's cold outside!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Day 3
Today I am thankful for good medical care... for both humans and canines. :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Day 2
Warm sunshine on crisp fall days.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


It's baa-ack... 30 things I'm thankful for over 30 days in November...

Day 1
Friends... in particular, I'm thinking of three today:
  • My BFF, who is willing to do whatever we need later this week after Hubby has his surgery.
  • C.J., whom I've known for years (since Keeper Boy was playing for that OTHER travel hockey team), and with whom I'm having lunch with today.
  • M.D., another friend from Keeper Boy's days at that other rink... her family moved out west, stayed there a few years, and then came back. Her three boys are now playing hockey at our rink, and her youngest is on J-Mav's team. And M.D. is going to a hockey event with me next week, and a Caps game later in the month. Much fun to be had!