Somehow, 14 years has gone by since my first child was born. Not sure how that's possible, but the reality is it's a done deal. I now have a son who is only a half inch shorter than I am, and who wears shoes a size larger than his dad. Yet, it seems like only yesterday that that same man-child was a little boy running to me in tears because he scraped his knee while playing street hockey in the driveway.
There were many days over the past year that Hubby and I wondered if Keeper Boy would survive until his 14th birthday. To say that he is trying would be an understatement. He tends to make life so much harder for himself than it needs to be. We talk about that often, though it doesn't seem to sink in. Some day, maybe, the light bulb will go off. In the meantime, we provide structure, discipline, and an Algebra tutor. Someday he will [hopefully] appreciate all of it. Currently, we are just annoying and awful.
There were just as many days over the past year that make us proud and happy. Lots of quarters on the honor roll in the past year. Making Symphonic Band (and skipping right over Concert Band in the process). Telling a friend who was visiting that they couldn't do something because it is not allowed in our house. Playing some of his best hockey this season. Encouraging J-Mav to attend sleep away camp for the first time. And so much more.
This 14th year of my son's life is going to be amazing. So many opportunities all rolled into one amazing year. In March/April he is going to Europe for ten days on a school trip. He will play spring hockey for his future high school. He is spending six weeks in Hawaii this summer, helping to care for his cousins and soaking in all Hawaii has to offer. And he will start high school in the fall. How do you top that?
Well... half way through his 15th year, he can get his driving permit. [Shudder]
Happy birthday, Bud!! I love you to the moon and back. :)