Monday, September 29, 2008

Weddingpalooza - Part II

So when I left you, gentle reader, Hubby and I were motoring south toward Annapolis for wedding number two of the weekend. We made good time, arriving at pseudo-grandma's house by mid-afternoon. J-Mav, while happy to see us, came upstairs under duress and gave us the quickest of hugs before descending back downstairs to play with one of his best friends and our potential future daughter-in-law, the Divine Miss V. Of course, they're both five, so I may be getting just a little bit ahead of myself.

We had more time between arrival and departure for the church than we did for the festivities on Friday, so we hung out and visited for awhile. Our good friends (J-Mav and Keeper Boy's Godparents) were going to this wedding, too. Pseudo-grandma was keeping her two grandkids, plus J-Mav, AND she was venturing out to Chuck E Cheese with them... better her than me!!

Eventually we changed and headed out for the church. The time of this wedding was tricky... it started at 5:30pm and Keeper Boy's hockey game started at 4:30. He wasn't in net, but of course, we still wanted to know how it was going! It wouldn't be done before we went into the church for the ceremony, but I vowed not to pull the Blackberry out while we were in the church. We received an update just before going into the church: game tied at 2.

The church was lovely and the couple had most of their guests brought to the church (and then to the reception) on big, comfy, chartered busses. Good idea! No worries about parking, getting lost, getting to the church late, or finding a cab back to the hotel for anyone who enjoyed him/herself a little too much. :) The ceremony was short, but lovely, and the newlyweds came back into the church after recessing down the aisle and personally "dismissed" the guests pew by pew. Nice touch. I refrained from pulling the Blackberry out of my purse until we got to the car, and was pleased to see the guys won 5-3 in what was deemed "an ugly game."

We went to the reception, which was held at one of Annapolis' yacht clubs. Even though it was raining, it was beautiful. Fabulous appetizers. Another open bar... this one with Diet Coke (instead of Diet Pepsi)... yay for me!! Dinner was a petite filet and a crab cake with some excellent mashed potatoes. Oh, and green beans, but you know I didn't eat those. :)

We caught up with several former co-workers from my first job out of college (where I worked with the groom), which was fun (the job AND the catching up on Saturday). The music selection at this reception ran more toward 80s hip hop and rap. Kind of strange, but not unenjoyable. :) And we discovered toward the end of the reception that there was a sports star in our midst... the groom is friends with Eddie Pope, former DC United player. Kind of cool. Seemed like a real nice guy.

The cake was strawberry shortcake (yum!). The bride and groom were nice to each other while doing the whole cake feeding thing. Again, we stayed to the end before heading out. It was a good time.

The kids (and pseudo-grandma) were sacked out when we arrived back at the house. We followed rather quickly. I was up Sunday morning just as Keeper Boy's game was starting. He was in net and the guys had to win or tie to make it to the championship game. Unfortunately, they were playing the hardest game of their tournament against a team that was nationally ranked last year. As the updates came in over the next hour, it was clear the team wasn't going to win and we were going to have an unhappy child upon his return from Pittsburgh. The ultimate score was 8-1 and the shot count was... well... not good. From what we heard, most of the game was played in our defensive zone. Not ideal for scoring goals, and quite a workout for the goalie. So, as the team headed south toward home, we packed up and headed west toward home.

But there would be no rest for the weary. After getting home and getting unpacked, we had to pick up Keeper Boy, pick up the dog, figure out what was happening for dinner, wash Hubby's hockey clothes because HE had a game last night, and get everything ready for school/work this morning. But ya what? It's all good. Just another day in paradise. :)

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