Friday, November 5, 2010


Today is the one-year anniversary of Frankenfoot's birth. One year post-surgery and I guess I can say I'm fine. I have no restrictions and it doesn't hurt to walk/run/exercise. I have most of the feeling back in my toes and nerves. The scar flattened and faded nicely. I still have discomfort and aches. I presume I will always have that. I can't pinpoint any specific causes and it's never really true pain. Just annoying. Maybe when I'm in the pool/lake and I'm kicking while swimming. Or when I sit on my foot for too long. Or when I wear certain shoes for an extended period of time. I guess it's just something I'll have to live with.

BEFORE (11/10/09, four days post surgery)...

AFTER (11/05/10)...

Frankenfoot has sure come a long way!!

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