Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow day!

I went to bed just before midnight last night, a little bitter that school had already been cancelled for today, yet there was little more than a dusting of snow on the ground. Hubby made it home from his 11pm hockey game just before 2am this morning and said the roads were awful, though there still wasn't that much snow. I went back to sleep feeling a little better about the snow day.

When I got up this morning and looked outside, it didn't appear that there was more than a few inches of snow. Later, when the kids decided they were going to go out and play, I went out in my PJs and boots to take some pictures and realized there was more snow than I originally thought. Maybe six inches. More in places where it had drifted in the wind. Probably a good idea to cancel school since it takes plows forever to get to the neighborhood streets around here. Our street just got plowed about an hour ago.

Keeper Boy, as it turns out, has outgrown his snow pants and doesn't like being cold, so he was back inside from the foray into the great white tundra in about five minutes flat. Done outside for the day. J-Mav stayed out for about 45 minutes, playing with a neighbor girl. Then the wind got the better of him, too. Or maybe he was just hungry. Either way, the grand sum total of the playing outside time was less than an hour. Not that I blame them. It's windy, making the temperature feel like less than 10 degrees, and the snow is not good for packing.

Even snow, however, does not stop the J-Mav Social Machine. Four playdates in four days! He is down the street playing with one of his best buds. Helps a lot when you can walk to your friend's house!

Keeper Boy worked ahead a little in his math workbook (without too much grumbling) and is now perusing YouTube for hockey clips. What a sad day it'll be when he stumbles on the fact that there's more on YouTube than great hockey moments caught on film!

As for me, I've been working all day at my dining room table. In my PJs. Gotta love that! Not quite as comfortable as my chair at the office, but a nice change.

Our school system gets one more "free" snow day before the kids have to start making them up. Hopefully March will start turning more toward the lamb end of the spectrum right soon! It's snowed twice now this year. That's more than enough for me, thank you very much.

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