Friday, November 13, 2009


The forecast for today, Friday the 13th, is some swelling with a smattering of bruising and slight pain in certain situations.

Yes, my ankle is still more of a cankle.

Yes, the entire back, outer part of my foot is still a lovely shade of purple.

Yes, it has hurt more since Tuesday than it did the day after surgery or the four days right after that.

Yes, I'm still taking regular and copiuos amounts of Motrin.

So I guess I shouldn't have been bragging so much Friday through Tuesday that my foot didn't hurt. At all. In hindsight, that was probably because I didn't really leave the sofa nest until Tuesday morning. I doubt it's coincidence that Frankenfoot has been "talking" A LOT more ever since I resumed walking on it. It mostly feels better when I am able to sit or lie down and put it up. It mostly feels okay once I'm up and moving around a bit, unless I move certain ways or accidently kick something, which has happened on more than one occasion. It mostly feels really bad when I put my foot down on the ground after having it up, as the blood returns to the foot. And it mostly feels really bad when I first get up from sitting or lying down. But, Motrin helps and it's not unbearable pain. Just quick suck you're breath in pain, for the most part, and then it's better.

So Frankenfoot is doing okay, but there's definite room for improvement!

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